Fountainhead Update

Hello trail runners and riders:
So it looks like once again we may have wet conditions for Fountainhead but we plan to work around it as follows:
The trail run will go ahead as planned rain or shine. The schedule for this remains unchanged. Registration and packet pickup starts at 8:30am with both the 5K and the 10K starting at 10am.
In the event that the trails are too wet to ride, we will be cancelling the mountain bike portion of the event. We will make this call by 8am tomorrow and will notify everyone via email and also post to our facebook page. The decision to ride the trails is made in conjunction with the park authority and the Fountainhead trail specialist. If we can ride, the schedule remains the same and the mountain bike races will start at 12:30pm. In the event that the mountain bike is cancelled we will issue a credit to all registered mountain bikers for $30 that you can apply to any of the races in the Fall Trail series. If you currently sign up for a single race under early registration, the credit will cover entry. You can also apply the credit to the 3 or 6 races series. If we issues credits, you will be emailed within the next two weeks with more information.
In the event that the mountain bike is cancelled, the trail awards for the mountain bike series will be award as they currently stand. For the trail masters series points will be tallied from the three trail runs and the past two mountain bike races. We will mail out the MTB awards. The trail running series awards will go ahead as planned.
Fingers crossed the rain will be minimal or non-existent and we can run the final Spring Thaw race as planned.
Mark Harris Rev3 Adventure