Spring Thaw at Fountainhead Postponed

With the rain and snow we are experiencing today we will be postponing the Spring Thaw at Fountainhead until Sunday, April 26th. Already wet conditions, some trail maintenance to complete, no real chance for the trails to dry by tomorrow, and after conference with the park ranger, it is the best call to help protect the trails. If you are signed up for three or six races in the series you don’t have to do anything, just show up on 4/26 and be ready to run or ride. If you are signed up just for the Fountainhead venue we will transfer your registration to the 26th. In the event we also cannot race on April 26th, we will issue race credits for the 2015 Fall Foliage Trail Series. If we have to go down that route, more information will be coming after April 26th. This also means that the trail series finale will now be held at Fountainhead rather than the Greens. Please let me know if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing most of you at the Greens on April 11th or at Fountainhead on April 26th. Mark Harris Race Director Rev3 Adventure mark@rev3adventure.com