Enabled Tracking to provide live tracking for the Chill Adventure Race

Adventure Addicts Racing has recruited Enabled Tracking to once again provide real-time GPS tracking for The Chill, a 10-hour adventure race run out of Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest in Virginia on February 4, 2023. Per the event website the race is held in the dead of winter “because adventure knows no season.” Mark Harris, owner and lead tracker for Enabled Tracking said, “It’s definitely a chilly event. During a winter event where conditions are usually less than favorable, knowing where all participants are throughout the event is an important safety tool.” He added, “ It can mean the difference between getting someone back to HQ safely versus taking extended periods of time to locate an athlete who may be in distress and possibly suffer hypothermia.” Enabled Tracking and Adventure Addicts have worked together on previous events to bring live tracking to friends and family and to add an additional layer of safety. “Michelle and Liz at Adventure Addicts always put on a top-quality event with creative course designs and well-organized logistics,” said Harris. “We are excited to be working with them again in 2023 to see what adventures they are going to dish up.” More information about the event and links to registration can be found on the Adventure Addicts website at https://www.adventureaddictsracing.com. Tracking links and all other tracking information can be found at enabledtracking.com.